is messy and God is mysterious,” Wytsma writes. He has written this
book to help those of us wrestling with the paradoxes of faith and
is an honest look at many of those issues that puzzling us in our
Christian life. He starts out with a great illustration from the
Bible. Jesus initiated a boat trip in Mark 4:35-41 that turned into a
dramatic life and death journey. Like the disciples, we may want a
safe trip but that is not always God's plan.
does a good job helping us with the messiness of life, reminding us
that God is present in both the calm seas and the stormy ones. He
helps us think about how we want God to act in our life and how He
really does. He helps us remember the bigger view God has, as opposed
to that of man. He looks at prayer, joy and godly contentment, doubt,
God's will for an individual, modern technology and information
overload, death and hope, and spiritual fatigue.
was really impressed with his discussion on several topics. About the
paradox of faith he writes, “Faith means holding these two things
in tension: the goodness of God and our circumstances that scream out
to the contrary.” About doubt, “Faith is not the absence of
doubt; it is the remedy to doubt.” And I really liked his thoughts
on Jesus and justice – that they are inseparable.
appreciated this very readable and personal book on those aspects of
Christian life that are so puzzling, so at odds with what we want the
Christian life to be. Wytsma doesn't have all the answers but he
certainly helps us on our way to being able to trust, be content, and
flourish in our walk with God.
can watch videos by Wytsma at http://askquestions.tv/.
can watch a video and get group study materials at

Publishing (Thomas Nelson), 240 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for
the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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