Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Time Door by Shannon McDermott Blog Tour Book Review

About the Book

Book: The Time Door

Author: Shannon McDermott

Genre: Adult Science Fiction

Release date: October 8, 2024

A reckless last mission on Mars, a crusade for justice on Earth …

Reuben Jackson is the only one who still cares about Mars. In the shambles of the Great Collapse, Earth has abandoned the Mars explorers to their fate. But Reuben will make a stand for the Mars team—even against the powerfully united politicians and scientists.

In too deep, he discovers hidden conspiracies and unexpected allies.

As the conflict mounts on Earth, time runs down on Mars. Left to face Mars alone, Commander Donegan Moynihan and his team have no hope of surviving after their supplies are gone. Willing to accept a quicker death than starvation, the explorers strike out on a dangerous mission. They venture deep inside the ancient volcano of Arsia Mons, into perils and secrets long buried. What they discover would move mountains on Earth—but will it be enough to save themselves?

Click here to get your copy!

My Review

I like science fiction and this one highlighting a mission to Mars is a good one. I really liked the adventures of the crew, the descriptions of the crew's intriguing discoveries, and the character interaction. I felt like I was there with the adventurers as the descriptions of items and actions were very good. The faith message was quite low key and generic. I would have liked a bit more spiritual exploration after the team's surprising discoveries. There could have been some speculation and discussion on why God creates who and what He does and on the whole aspect of time travel.

The part of the book relating the situation back on earth was a little fuzzy for me. I know it was a dystopian era as there had been a great financial collapse in the U.S. Powerful people wanted to abandon the Mars venture, leaving the four people there to die. The economic reasons made sense to me, not spend millions on space when there were so many immediate needs at home. But there was also a power play going on. I did not understand all the actions and interactions taking place there.

So I liked the part of the book about the Mars mission but the political situation back home not so much. McDermott is a great writer of science fiction. I will be looking for her next novel, hoping there is much more emphasis on the science fiction aspect than the political situation back home.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author

Shannon McDermott
is an author of science fiction and has been occupied for years with constructing scenarios of the colonization of Mars. Always a fan of the genre, she reviews Christian speculative fiction with Lorehaven. Her interests include history, classic

literature, and lattes. She lives in the great Midwest, where she does her best to avoid icy weather, sweltering heat, and tornadoes, according to the season.


More from Shannon

There is a story of an abandoned space colony. Still young, still unsteady, and suddenly cut off from the mother planet—the colony will either learn fast to survive alone, or it will die altogether.

The story has been told again and again, a thousand variations on the old theme. When I was getting acquainted with it, through battered paperbacks and anthologies gathered from the old “scientifiction” magazines, I noticed that the colonies were usually abandoned because of a space plague, or aliens, or interplanetary war.

Exotic, exciting problems, the stuff of science fiction. But I had a thought: What if the reason for abandoning a space colony were a bit prosaic? What if there was just no more money?

The national debt is very much a thing (and an ever-growing thing, at an ever-increasing rate). We would be in trouble if that debt were ever called, or even if no more could be contracted. If it suddenly became time to pay the piper, if the money running off the press was no longer good enough—America couldn’t afford to support a colony on Mars. And we would have too many problems of our own to care very much about theirs.

A classic sci-fi story with a modern twist, something fantastic mixed with something prosaic. I liked it.

As I set to work on the idea, I soon made another variation to the theme. The abandoned colony did not take the whole stage. I gave equal space to those who had abandoned it. Good or bad, they had their reasons; they had their story, too. And as I began to write it, I realized that both stories were about survival. The struggle over whether they survived, and how, and what they would become on the other side.

These ideas grew into The Time Door—two parallel stories, separated by the distance between Mars and Earth, and yet united in the end. Whether abandoned on Mars, or caught in the collapse on Earth, they all need a way out; they all need to find a door.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, October 17

Blossoms and Blessings, October 18 (Author Interview)

Wishful Endings, October 18

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 19

The Lofty Pages, October 20

Artistic Nobody, October 21 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, October 22

Guild Master, October 23 (Spotlight)

Tell Tale Book Reviews, October 24

Blogging With Carol, October 25

A Reader’s Brain, October 26 (Author Interview)

Fiction Book Lover, October 27 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, October 27

Simple Harvest Reads, October 28 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 29

Lily’s Corner, October 30


To celebrate her tour, Shannon is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Dinner for Vampires by Bethany Joy Lenz Book Review

About the Book:

In the early 2000s, after years of hard work and determination to breakthrough as an actor, Bethany Joy Lenz was finally cast as one of the leads on the hit drama One Tree Hill. Her career was about to take off, but her personal life was slowly beginning to unravel. What none of the show’s millions of fans knew, hidden even from her costars, was her secret double life in a cult.

An only child who often had to fend for herself and always wanted a place to belong, Lenz found the safe haven she’d been searching for in a Bible study group with other Hollywood creatives. However, the group soon morphed into something more sinister—a slowly woven web of manipulation, abuse, and fear under the guise of a church covenant called The Big House Family. Piece by piece, Lenz began to give away her autonomy, ultimately relocating to the Family’s Pacific Northwest compound, overseen by a domineering minister who would convince Lenz to marry one of his sons and steadily drained millions of her TV income without her knowledge. Family “minders” assigned to her on set, “Maoist struggle session”–inspired meetings in the basement of a filthy house, and regular counseling with “Leadership” were just part of the tactics used to keep her loyal.

Only when she became a mother did Lenz find the courage to leave and spare her child from a similar fate. After nearly a decade (and with the unlikely help of a 
One Tree Hill superfan), she finally managed to escape the family’s grip and begin to heal from the deep trauma that forever altered her relationship with God and her understanding of faith.

My Review:

This is a painful book to read. It is well written but the account of her drifting into a Bible study that slowly morphs into a cult is heartbreaking. The first half of the book is her venture into acting, getting auditions and acting roles. That part is a good read for anyone who would like to know what such a journey is like.

She relates how, as a Christian, she began attending a Bible study with other actors. She did not see the warning signs as the leaders became more domineering. Select Bible verses were used to defend control. The Family was to be the most important of relationships for her. And then there was the controlling husband.

For readers who grew up in Christianity, the buzz words will be familiar. The Scripture verses used will be recognized. Not allowing any questioning of leaders or to even think differently might bring back memories. The subtle and then not so subtle coercion for money too. The answers to prayers for direction that benefited the leader. The ignoring and hiding misconduct.

Lenz says she was willing to tell her story because she wants others to know the common signs and patterns of all cults, even a small one like she was in. The most encouraging part of the book is knowing that Lenz retained her belief in God. 

My rating: 4/5 stars.

About the Author:

Bethany Joy Lenz starred in the hit TV series One Tree Hill. Her other acting credits include Guiding Light, Grey's AnatomyCharmedFelicitySuitsDexter, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. She is also a recording artist who has released several albums. Lenz currently cohosts the podcast Drama Queens and is the founder/editor-in-chief of the broadsheet newspaper Modern Vintage News.

Simon & Schuster, 320 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

Monday, October 14, 2024

Autumn Embers by Tina deBellegarde Blog Tour Book Review



by Tina deBellegarde

October 14 - November 8, 2024 Virtual Book Tour


A Batavia-on-Hudson Mystery


Bianca St. Denis travels to Kyoto to return a priceless artifact recovered in Batavia-on-Hudson during last summer’s flood. It’s late October and the city of 2,000 shrines is in full autumn splendor. While she’s in Japan’s ancient capital, Bianca visits with her son, a student at Kyoto University. Ian shows her the sights and introduces her to his circle of friends—his chosen family.

On the night of her welcome party, Bianca thinks she witnesses a struggle in the garden, perhaps even a murder. When the police investigate and find no body, she is stumped yet alarm bells won’t stop ringing. She knows she’s witnessed something.

When a dead body surfaces and suspicion falls on her son, Bianca’s maternal instincts spring to action to protect Ian and clear his name. Meanwhile, things in Batavia-on-Hudson are tense. Sheriff Mike Riley is losing his re-election while tackling devastating news about his dead partner, and wavering about his troubled marriage.

Autumn Embers explores the malleable nature of our identities and reminds us that chosen families can be stronger than we think, and that true friendship can bridge any distance.


"A beautiful novel that seamlessly embraces past and present, east and west, mystery and resolution, all the contradictions that make us human. This is the rare book that leaves its reader feeling balanced and whole."
~ Carol Goodman, two-time winner of the Mary Higgins Clark prize and author of Return to Wyldecliff Heights

"Tina deBellegarde expertly captures the details of two very disparate worlds, reminding us that at the heart of these experiences is our shared humanity. I’ve become a new fan!"
~ Naomi Hirahara, Edgar Award-winning author of the Mas Arai mystery series and the Mary Higgins Clark Award-winning Clark and Division

"Get ready for another thrilling ride with Tina deBellegarde's mystery series, this time in our own Kyoto backyard."
~ Amy Chavez, Author of The Widow, the Priest and the Octopus Hunter

"Fans of Louise Penny and Crazy Rich Asians will adore Autumn Embers...Heartful and human, an intriguing mystery, and filled to the brim with rich descriptions, this love letter to Japan is Tina de Bellegarde at her finest."
~ Jen Collin Moore, Author of the captivating Roman Holiday Mysteries

'This is a scrumptious book...Autumn Embers will have you reaching for your passport and booking a ticket to "the land of the rising sun."'
~ Carol Pouliot, Author of the Blackwell and Watson Time-Travel Mysteries

"Like a richly woven tapestry, this immersive tale has it all...With vivid descriptions and an unhurried writing style, Autumn Embers is thoroughly engrossing!"
~ Lida Sideris, Author of the Southern California Mysteries

My Review:

 There are two story lines in this novel. Bianca, the amateur sleuth, is in Japan visiting her son. At the same time, Sheriff Mike is back in New York dealing with new information on the death of his partner nine years ago when he was with the NYPD. Mike is also facing the stress of an election, struggling to retain his position.

Bianca's time in Kyoto is almost like a travelogue until there is a murder. Readers are immersed in the culture and society of the city. There is a dangerous underworld present, however and an unsavory character is murdered. He offended many and was not well liked so there are plenty of suspects, including Bianca's son. This story line is parallel with Mike's back in New York as new evidence in the old crime means he is considered a suspect in his partner's death. DeBellegarde links the two stories by having Mike help Bianca gather needed information leading to the mystery's resolution.

This is a good mystery for readers who like one containing a deep sense of place. Here we find out much about Kyoto as Bianca travels its streets and experiences its culture. I do have a pet peeve of an author including a suspense filled dream without letting readers know right off it is a dream. DeBellegarde does that here. Nonetheless, I enjoyed this novel as I have the earlier ones in the series. While there are some mentions of events from previous novels, this one does read well on its own.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

You can read my reviews of the earlier books in this series: Winter Witness and Dead Man's Leap.

Book Details:

Genre: Female Amateur Sleuth
Published by: Level Best Books
Publication Date: September 17, 2024
Number of Pages: 321
Series: A Batavia-on-Hudson Mystery, 3
Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | BookShop | Goodreads

Read an excerpt:


Bianca removed her shoes and found a pair of slippers approximately her size. She tucked her shoes in a cubby and followed Ian up the stairs of the ramen house. They settled into a spot at the counter in the far corner. She looked at the menu out of habit, but knew she couldn’t read it, nor did she need to. This was her favorite ramen place, and she knew exactly what she wanted. In fact, tired or not, this place had been on her mind all day. If she couldn’t sleep, she could at least have her black sesame ramen.

Across the counter, the server brought them each a small beer and took their orders. Bianca looked around and realized that nothing had changed at all. It was as if she had never left. She wondered what it must be like to live in a world where the movement of change could be at once imperceptible and monumental. Kyoto was remarkable in its ability to modernize dramatically while remaining steadfastly traditional.

Bianca’s mouth watered as a steaming bowl was placed before her. The handmade noodles beckoned, submerged in a rich dark broth of spicy black sesame.

Itadakimasu,” they said before they started their meal.

She took a slurp of broth first, the spice clearing her sinuses immediately, then with her chopsticks she gathered up some long strands of ramen and did her best not to make a mess.

They barely spoke as they ate. The food was too delicious and demanding of their attention, and they had talked for hours already. They were content in the sounds of their eating and the sounds of the fellow diners having a fun night out.

When Ian excused himself to find the men’s room, Bianca continued spooning the last of her broth then was surprised by a nudge. She opened her eyes and slowly realized that she had nodded off to sleep at the counter with her spoon still resting in her hands. The last strands of noodles had never made it to her mouth.

“Time to go, Mom.”

Bianca used all her energy to stand up with some dignity and followed him back to the shoe cubby and then out the door, but not before they called out to the ramen chefs to thank them for the meal.


Once outside, they lingered briefly at the window watching as the chefs rolled and cut the fresh noodles. Bianca was mesmerized by their actions. They worked so effortlessly as if they had no need to think about these motions.

Bianca leaned on Ian as they made their way through the alley known as Ponto-chō, the traditional bar district. Too small for cars, the cobble- stone walkways were lined with tiny restaurants and clubs, their entrances illuminated by glowing paper lanterns. A different aroma escaped each establishment. Some scents Bianca could identify—ginger, garlic, grilling meats. Other delectable fragrances she couldn’t. Despite having eaten enough, her appetite was reawakened.

They walked slowly, enjoying the cool autumn night. Just as they were leaving the quiet street, they saw a geisha walking beside a businessman. The rich fabric of her amber kimono shimmered in the light of the lanterns and her hair was perfectly coiffed with a burgundy hairpin. As the lovely girl passed them, Bianca turned to catch a better look. She admired the elaborate knot of the brocade obi belt and the delicate end points of the white makeup on the young woman’s neck.

Bianca considered it a good omen to spot a geisha on her first day in Kyoto. They were a rare sight. Some tourists could spend their entire vacation in Kyoto and never see one.

Arriving at the apartment close to 9:30, Ian unlocked the gate and led her to the front door of the guest house. As he opened the door to the darkened room he whispered, “Tadaima.” I’m home.

He showed Bianca to her room where Jiro had already deposited her bags. She hugged Ian, turned to her futon, and crawled into it without changing into pajamas. Ian turned to close the door.

“Ian, wait.”

He turned back.

“You’re happy here.”

He nodded.

“You feel at home, don’t you?”

He closed his eyes briefly, then opened them. He nodded again.

She closed her eyes and fell asleep.


Excerpt from Autumn Embers by Tina deBellegarde. Copyright 2024 by Tina deBellegarde. Reproduced with permission from Tina deBellegarde. All rights reserved.


Author Bio:

Tina deBellegarde’s debut novel, Winter Witness, was nominated for an Agatha Award for Best First Novel. Dead Man’s Leap, her second book in the Batavia-on-Hudson Mystery series, was nominated for an Agatha Award for Best Contemporary Novel. Reviewers have called Tina “the Louise Penny of the Catskills.” Tina also writes short stories and flash fiction. Her story “Tokyo Stranger,” nominated for a Derringer Award, appears in the Mystery Writers of America anthology When a Stranger Comes to Town edited by Michael Koryta. Tina co-chairs the Murderous March Conference and is a founding member of Sleuths and Sidekicks, where she blogs, tours virtually, and teaches writing workshops. She is a member of Writers in Kyoto and reviews books for She lives in Catskill, New York with her husband Denis and their cat Shelby. She travels frequently to Japan to visit her son and daughter-in-law and to do research. Tina is currently working on a collection of interconnected short stories based in Japan.

Catch Up With Tina deBellegarde:
BookBub - @tinadebellegarde
Instagram - @tdb_writes
Threads - @tdb_writes
Twitter/X - @tdbwrites
Facebook - @tinadebellegardeauthor


Tour Participants:

Visit these other great hosts on this tour for more great reviews, interviews, guest posts, and opportunities to WIN in the giveaway!

Click here to view AUTUMN EMBERS by Tina deBellegarde Tour Hosts
Click here to view the Tour Schedule



This is a giveaway hosted by Partners in Crime Tours for Tina deBellegarde. See the widget for entry terms and conditions. Void where prohibited.

Can't see the giveaway? Click Here!



Get More Great Reads at Partners In Crime Tours

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through Partners in Crime Tours. My comments are an independent and honest re view. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Partner in Crime Tours.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Cursed Writer by Holly Hepburn Book Review

About the Book:

Harriet White is no stranger to odd correspondence. Ensconced in the basement of the Baker Street building society, her job is to reply to the mail they receive on behalf of Sherlock Holmes.

But while letters to the fictional sleuth may be plentiful, telegrams are rare, and so when she receives one describing the grave situation of celebrated author Philip St John, her interest is piqued. The writer describes St John as being consumed by terror, seeing ghostly apparitions on the fens, and only at ease in the company of his loyal wolfhound.

Before long, Harry finds herself in Cambridgeshire under the guise of being Holmes’ assistant. The residents of Thurmwell Manor believe their master is cursed. Harry is sure there must be a logical explanation, but inside the echoey halls of the grand gothic house, her confidence in science and reason begin to crumble…

Can Harry solve the mystery before the fens claim their next victim?

My Review:

This is a delightful mystery I thoroughly enjoyed. What a clever idea to create mysteries in the style of Sherlock Holmes. Letters written to the fictitious Holmes generate real mysteries needing solving. Along with Harry (Harriet), we get to wonder how Holmes would go about solving the mystery. While Harry does not have all of the finer tools Doyle gave Holmes, she does have a curious and adventurous spirit and the help of her friend Oliver.

I like the complicated mystery. It initially seems almost beyond figuring out. Clues become evident and Harry thinks each one through. We are taken to a remote manor where there are tales of ghosts wandering the fens. But Harry is convinced the culprit is real flesh and bone and is determined to uncover him or her. There is only a little bit of suspense so this is a great cozy mystery.

It is the second in a series. While there are some references to the adventures in the previous book, I have not read it and feel this one reads very well on its own.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

About the Author:

Holly Hepburn writes escapist, swoonsome fiction that sweeps her readers into idyllic locations, from her native Cornwall to the windswept beauty of Orkney. She is now turning her hand to cozy crime inspired by Sherlock Holmes himself. Holly lives in leafy Hertfordshire with her adorable partner in crime, Luna the Labrador.

Boldwood Books, 262 pages.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Frozen Lives by Jennifer Graeser Dornbush Blog Tour Book Review



by Jennifer Graeser Dornbush

October 7 - November 1, 2024 Virtual Book Tour


A Coroner's Daughter Mystery


Dr. Emily Hartford is back in Frozen Lives, the next thrilling mystery from Jennifer Graeser Dornbush.

Chicago surgeon Emily Hartford has never quite shaken off the dust of her hometown in Michigan. She may be a professional success and have a princely boyfriend in the Windy City, but she can’t seem to let go of being “the coroner’s daughter” from Freeport.

Once again, she finds herself pulled back upstate during a wintery late March when Jeremiah, the eleven year-old son of her best friend, Jo, goes missing on the frigid shores of Lake Michigan. Emily immediately joins the search for the boy.

To everyone’s relief, Jeremiah turns up days later, alive and unharmed. But tensions remain high, and suspicions of every sort continue to grow. Jeremiah’s account of his abduction doesn’t add up and Emily worries about Jo’s unraveling marriage. Jeremiah’s recovery, it turns out, is not the end of their terrifying tale. It’s only the beginning …

For moving among them is a devious, malevolent force. Sowing panic while seeking to fulfill his own twisted needs, this wolf in sheep’s clothing leaves a trail of rack and ruin, negligent to the damages in his wake … and the bodies he leaves behind.

Emily solidifies her role as coroner’s daughter when she puzzles out this madman’s chilling machinations. Risking everything dear to her, Emily goes the icy distance to end his killing spree.

Praise for Frozen Lives:

"Fast paced, engaging, evocative."
~ J.A. Jance

"FROZEN LIVES is what a thriller should be—dark, twisty, and oh so scary. Lock your doors and enjoy."
~ DP Lyle, award-winning author of the Jake Longly and Cain/Harper thriller series and co-creator of the Outliers Writing University

"Jennifer Dornbush scares the living hell out of me. When I want to stay up all night, I just read one of her books, and Frozen Lives doesn’t disappoint. On par with Dennis Lehane’s Mystic River, Frozen Lives weaves a terrifying tale of evil, paranoia and when you go to bed at night make sure your doors are locked tight. A terrific story."
~ Don Bruns, USA Today Best Selling Author

"Chilling! Jennifer Dornbush has crafted a thriller that haunts the mind and can keep you deep in the pages into the wee hours! A not to miss psychological mystery with twists and turns throughout."
~ Heather Graham

My Review:

 I enjoyed this mystery set in the cold north of Michigan. I like Emily as an amateur sleuth who has the help of a friend, an ex-FBI agent. Emily is sort of a non-heroine. She is a good support but it is really others who do the actual work on the abduction. I did not like Emily's over managing her relationship to Brandon. I rarely hope a romance will not happen but I did so with this novel. There was quite an emphasis on that relationship in the novel. In that respect, this novel is for readers who like about as much on the personal life of the main character as on the suspenseful mystery.

One aspect of the novel that captured my attention was how kids responded to the disappearance of a classmate. Speculation was rampant and the possible explanations were imaginative. That this novel deals with the abduction of a child may be a trigger situation for some potential readers.

I like Dornbush's writing style. She has included secondary characters to add depth to the main kidnapping plot. This is the latest in a series but it is the first I've read and I felt it read well on its own. Reading the earlier books in the series would help to better understand Emily's relationships with others in her home town, however.

My rating: 4/5 stars.

Book Details:

Genre: thriller, suspense, female detective
Published by: Blackstone Publishing
Publication Date: October 29, 2024
Number of Pages: 350
ISBN: 9798212638364
Series: The Coroner's Daughter Mysteries, 4
Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Goodreads | Blackstone Publishing

Read an excerpt:


Author Bio:

The television or movie screen is the closest most people will ever come to witnessing the forensic world. But Jennifer Dornbush was raised in it. As the daughter of a small-town medical examiner whose office was in their home. There were body parts in the fridge. She investigated her first fatality, an airplane crash, when she was 8 years old. Picking up pieces of skull with her father who simply saw it as an anatomy lesson. The first of many coroner lessons she experienced over two decades.
After exploring journalism and high school teaching, Jennifer turned seriously to screenwriting where she began to connect her coroner world to her writing. She sought out a degree at the Forensic Science Academy in Los Angeles to gain more forensic training and earned a unique kinship with LA’s top CSIs, fingerprint specialists, DNA scientists, and detectives.
To share her love of forensics with the writing world, she authored the top selling non-fiction authoritative book, Forensic Speak, used by not only by show-runners and writers, but also crime investigators and law enforcement.
She created an Amazon top selling mystery novel series, The Coroner’s Daughter, which she is currently developing as a series for TV. Her crime thriller, Hole in the Woods, is currently optioned for screen. She is a contributor to mystery anthologies, Hotel California and Thriller. She has also penned two true crime books.
As a screenwriter Jennifer wrote the theatrically released film and novel, God Bless the Broken Road (2018), adapted a popular YA novel to script, and sold a children’s show. She is currently developing TV drama series and feature films with various productions companies.
As a forensic consultant, she is frequently asked to consult with TV writers on shows such as: Bull, Conviction, Hawaii Five-O, Leverage, Suits, and Rectify. She teaches screenwriting and mentors aspiring writers.
Jennifer is a member of the Writers’ Guild of America, Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, International Thriller Writers, Crime Writers Association, & the FBI Citizen’s Academy Alumni.

Catch Up With Jennifer Graeser Dornbush:
BookBub - @jgdornbush1
Instagram - @jgdornbush
YouTube - @ForensicSpeakJenniferDornbush
Facebook - @JGDornbush


Tour Participants:

Visit these other great hosts on this tour for more great reviews, interviews, guest posts, and opportunities to WIN in the giveaway!

Click here to view Frozen Lives by Jennifer Graeser Dornbush Tour Hosts
Click here to view the Tour Schedule



This is a giveaway hosted by Partners in Crime Tours for Jennifer Graeser Dornbush and Blackstone Publishing. See the widget for entry terms and conditions. Void where prohibited.

Can't see the giveaway? Click Here!



Get More Great Reads at Partners In Crime Tours

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through Partners in Crime Book Tours. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Partners in Crime Book Tours.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

Friday, October 11, 2024

Glitter and the Grouch by Mary Pat Johns Blog Tour Book Review

About the Book

Book: Glitter and the Grouch (Romance in Valiant Book Three. It can be read as a standalone.)

Author: Mary Pat Johns

Genre: Christian Contemporary Romance

Release date: September 3, 2024

Silas and Nat don’t get along. Neither can they leave each other alone. When a prank goes terribly wrong at their workplace, they face an impossible choice.

Either they compete in a canoe race to prove they can work together or forfeit their futures at Peeps. Quitting isn’t the norm for either of them. Good thing, because their boss isn’t backing down an inch. He assures them they can accomplish anything they set their minds to, even if it’s 3 days and 260 miles of river.

There’s only one catch—they’ll have to be in the same boat.

Will they reach deep inside to find out what they’re made of? Or will they succumb to the physical rigors of the event and the machinations of Nat’s controlling ex?

Click here to get your copy!

My Review:

This is a fun romance that centers around a canoe race that was new to me. Being forced to work together on the race is a good frame upon which to hang an interesting romance. Strong bonds can be formed when challenges are faced together. Gracious allowances must be made when exhaustion takes over. Johns presents a good many obstacles to romance that must be overcome in just a few days. The characters were well drawn as they went from playful adversaries to committed partners.

While this is generally a light romance, there is a little suspense too. Faith is an important part of the paddling duo making it to the end. There is even a little helpful supernatural intervention from time to time.

This is a quick read as it is about novella length. It is fun and informative and would make a good evening's entertainment. Johns' writing style is clear and easy to read.

My rating: 4/5 stars.


About the Author

Mary Pat Johns’ writing career began once she retired from years of teaching speech and writing. She’s written devotions for an online publication and had short stories published by Chicken Soup for the Soul. She currently writes a weekly faith column for the local newspaper. Countin’ On Jesse, her first novel debuted in 2023, and book 2 of the Valiant series, Lovin’ On Red, released in release in 2024. God put it in her heart to tell stories of brave veterans and their reintegration into civilian life after suffering the traumas of war.

She lives in South Texas with her husband and their two dapple dachshunds. Her grown children and five grandchildren are useful sorts who keep her grounded with her reading/writing obsession. You can find her at the gym, at her computer, or reading a good book.

More from Mary

I wrote Glitter and the Grouch for two reasons. The first reason was peace of mind. LOL.  Two minor characters from Books 1 & 2 of the Valiant series INSISTED on having their own story. Rather, Nat insisted and Silas grudgingly followed. He hated the idea at first, but all’s well that ends well.

The second reason is I absolutely LOVE the Texas Water Safari and follow it every year. When I talked to a friend who competes, he wasn’t sure how I would write a book about it. When I explained it would be a story about two people who fall in love during the race, he grinned from ear to ear and said that scenario had happened a few times.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, October 11

Back Porch Reads, October 12 (Author Interview)

Holly’s Book Corner, October 12

For Him and My Family, October 13

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, October 14 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 15

Fiction Book Lover, October 16 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, October 17

Vicky Sluiter, October 18 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 19

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, October 20 (Author Interview)

Pause for Tales, October 20

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 21

Simple Harvest Reads, October 22 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, October 23

For the Love of Literature, October 24 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, Mary is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon card and copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Have You Heard From God Lately? by Keon Lindsey Blog Tour Book Review


About the Book

Book: Have You Heard from God Lately? 30 Messages from Heaven to You

Author: Keon Lindsey

Genre: Bible Study/Devotional

Release date: March 15, 2024

Who is God?  Does He care about you?  What does He want you to know?  What is your purpose on Earth?  Why is your life not perfect?  Is there any hope in this out-of-control world?  Can you actually know God?

Have You Heard from God Lately?  30 Messages from Heaven to You helps you discover the answers to these all-important questions.  The messages are organized to progressively build your understanding of the God of the universe so that you can relate to Him.  Why?  He wants to give you the wonderful life you were made for but cannot reach without Him.

Click here to get your copy!

My Review

The devotions contained in this book form a good overview of the basics of Christian belief. Lindsey takes readers step by step to understand what God has said through the Bible. Many Scriptures passages are given as the basis for each of the thirty devotions. This would be a great book for a new Christian or for someone who wanted to understand what Christianity is really about. This book would be a great refresher of biblical truth for seasoned Christians too. There are a few review questions at the end of each reading to help us think about what was just read. The questions are good for individual reflection but could also be used for a group discussion.

These devotions are just a few pages long and are a good daily reading. The book would be a good choice for anyone looking for a month long spiritual emphasis. Lindsey's writing is clear and easy to understand.

My rating: 4/5 stars.


About the Author

“Throughout my life God has been the source of my success and my sustainment in failure.  I’ve experienced His great love and want others to know the joy that He provides.”

Keon Lindsey is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, Pilot, PMP, Business Finance Expert, Black Belt in Karate, and has a master’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering. More importantly, he has studied the Bible over 40 years and taught Bible studies for adults and youth.

Keon writes to inspire others to dig into God’s Word and find satisfaction for their souls. His first book, Seeking the Lord, a 30 Day Start to Your Journey, was published in 2020. His second book Have You Heard from God Lately? 30 Messages from Heaven to You was released in 2024.

More from Keon

How would you like to get a personal letter from someone? Most people like real mail, especially if its from a person who truly cares about you. What if that letter not only shared their affection but it revealed the answers to some of life’s most profound questions? God has written you such a letter, the Bible! Actually, the Bible is a collection of all God’s written messages to you.

This fact was impressed on me as I read the New Testament book of Hebrews. It opens with a bold statement. God had given messages to humanity in ancient times through prophets and angels. Finally, God sent Jesus, the Ultimate Messenger with the ultimate message that is vital for every person.

This captured my attention and made me wonder how the previous messages in the Bible led up to Jesus and His message? Researching that question took me on an exciting journey of discovery, encouragement, and warning in God’s Word. The result is my book, Have You Heard from God Lately?  It summarizes major Bible themes to help you navigate the amazing Book. I hope it inspires you to open God’s letter and realize just how much He cares for you!

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, October 9

An Author’s Take, October 10

Blossoms and Blessings, October 11 (Author Interview)

Godly Book Reviews, October 11

Artistic Nobody, October 12 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 13

Inspired by Fiction, October 14

Stories By Gina, October 15 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, October 16

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, October 17 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 18

Guild Master, October 19 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, October 19

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 20

A Reader’s Brain, October 21 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, October 22


To celebrate his tour, Keon is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon card and copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

I received a complimentary egalley of this book through Celebrate Lit. My comments are an independent and honest review. The rest of the copy of this post was provided by Celebrate Lit.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)