one young woman change the world? Can she change living conditions
for thousands of people?
was a young girl on the way to a restaurant with her mother for lunch
when she encountered a homeless and hungry man begging on the
sidewalk. She was shocked, having faced the brutal reality that not
all people were blessed with food and shelter like she was. After
lunch, her uneaten burger was boxed up. She and her mom went back to
the place where the man had been but he was gone. She never saw him
again but that experience gave her the insatiable desire to have her
life matter.
a teen and college student, she worked in soup kitchens, feeding the
homeless. Her life took a turn when, through another, she met with
Jars of Clay, a contemporary (Christian) music group who had a desire
like hers. They were concerned about the lack of clean water in
Africa, as well as its untreated HIV-positive people. Blood:Water was
born when Jena was twenty-two. Their audacious goal was one thousand
writes of her trips to East Africa, observing groups with which they
would partner in work. Some projects would be fixing existing wells.
Other projects would be transporting clean water from a distant
source. They helped build a clinic. They struggled with their
identity as a “Christian” organization and what that meant.
was especially interested to read of the insights Jena gleaned about
this kind of development work. There had been many previous attempts
to provide water to African villages. Many of the projects failed.
Some well projects succeeded only to have the well or machinery fall
into disrepair. Jena realized that the local people needed to be
involved in the project and take ownership of it. Partnering with
grassroots organizations in Africa would be the way forward.
an encouraging book! Jena's writing is well done, much of it in
an almost poetic voice. She is very honest about her dreams,
questions and struggles. She shares the hard lessons she learned
about life, service, and marriage. At times she was overwhelmed with
feelings of hopelessness, betrayal and disillusion. At times she was
celebrating a glorious victory.
is better, her mentor said, to be doing something than be doing
nothing. Jena's book is a challenge to be doing something, to be
honest about the world yet live in hope. It reveals that even a small
group of people dedicated to helping others can initiate a work that
has helped millions. I highly recommend it.
rating: 5 stars.
Lee Nardella is co-founder of Blood:Water and one of Christianity
Today's 33 Under 30. She has received several honors and awards
for her humanitarian work. She serves on the team of Praxis and
served on the board for Equitas Group. She and her husband and their
son live in Nashville and East Africa.
Books, 288 pages.
received a complimentary egalley from the publisher for the purpose
of an independent and honest review.