presents troubling questions and we Christians are to be ready with
answers (1 Pet. 3:15) This book was written to help.
found some very positive aspects of this book and some troubling
ones. On the positive side, the book contains good foundational
material, such as on the character of God, the Holy Spirit, how to
grow in faith, advice on marriage, and what other religions believe.
The authors tackle hard questions, like, “If God is all good, why
is there evil?” They write about creation and evolution, the future
of those who have never heard the gospel, the existence of hell, and
same-sex marriage. When Christians differ on an issue, they sometimes
offer all sides (but not always). When the answer to a question
cannot be determined, they let us know, such as where Jesus was
between his death and resurrection.
book is lacking in some areas, however. On the question of whether
Jesus rose from the dead or not, the authors say, “the evidence for
his resurrection is indisputable.” (76) The evidence they give,
however, is all from the Bible. That is not going to be considered
“indisputable” by people who question the authority and
historicity of the Bible.
most troubling for me were the questions where the authors gave their
answers and did not inform the readers of other possibilities. The
authors are decidedly of the premillennial pretribulation rapture
camp. One would never know by reading this book that there are, in
fact, postmillennial and amillennial views, as well as differing
views on the rapture. This bias came out in the question about the
future of America with respect to prophecy. The authors say America
will decline, “...imagine how many Christians in America will be
taken at the rapture.” (153) They never mention that there are many
scholars who are convinced there is no such thing as a “secret”
rapture, but rather just one gathering when Jesus returns. Also
regarding prophecy and writing about Ezekiel 38-39, they mention “the
Russian-Islamic invasion” as referring to Gog and Magog. (158) They
fail to mention that every person who has tried to identify these
entities in the past has been unsuccessful.
authors will probably irritate Calvinists and Arminians alike. As a
Calvinist, I feel they are soft on God's sovereignty, distinguishing
“God's desired (preferred) will and his determined
(sovereign) will.” (99) Arminians will no doubt be irritated when
the authors state, “There are several reasons Christians can't lose
their salvation.” (105)
the Charismatics and Pentecostals will be disappointed with the
authors' writing about the work of the Holy Spirit. The authors state
the “Pentecostal/Charismatic movement” is the most popular one of many that “misinterpret the Bible, and therefore, misinterpret the
activity of the Holy Spirit in people's lives.” (90) In the section
on casting out demons, the authors write, “But we do not have all
the gifts the apostles had (2 Cor. 12:12).” (132) Interestingly
enough, that verse mentions that Paul had gifts but does not say
others did not.
this statement: “Millennials have never actually been taught about
the life, work, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.” (272)
That is an unprovable statement and too broad of a generalization. If
just one millennial has been taught those truths, the authors are
readers need to be aware that the authors have definite theological
ideas and promote them in this book, sometimes not giving other
accepted viewpoints.
part of the answers, the authors give a practical application. They
also include additional resources, including biblical references,
books, and websites. Short videos have been made to go along with the
book at The One Minute Apologist,

287 pages. Find out more about the book and read an excerpt here.
received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the
purpose of an independent and honest review.