is the first in a new series about brides in Seattle. The major
female character is Abrianna, a somewhat independent young woman
under the care of her aunts. The elderly women have the Madison
Bridal School where young women learn skills for future courting and
marriage. Abrianna herself is more concerned about helping the poor
than she is marriage.
always like to learn something when I read a novel. I did learn a
little about the operation of the bridal school but that was about
is a very strong Christian theme to this novel. Abrianna and others
are strong believers. The salvation message is presented through a
conversation between two characters.
appreciated the many interactions in the novel that were an
encouragement for individuals to be who they really are, even in the
face of society's displeasure. One scene was a man coming to accept
his sister as a very happy actress, something he would have
previously violently opposed. And Abrianna is determined to be who
God has called her to be. She says of herself, “It isn't easy to be
do wish there had been more about Seattle. I was disappointed in the
lack of description of the area. Were there wooden walkways? Were the
streets dirt or brick? Were there hills? What was the weather like?
All of that was missing. That means that this novel could have taken
place in just about any city.
of the action concentrates on the character interaction. While there
are a few murders, they seem to be irrelevant except to keep the
women in training inside and convince the aunts to sell their
building. There is no concern of finding out who committed them.
is no tidy end to this novel. Yes, there is a wedding, but there are
so many issues that are left hanging that it is obviously the first
in a series.
who like character development through mostly conversation will like
this novel. Readers who appreciate a novel that could take place in
just about any location will also like this novel. Those who like
simple historical romance will enjoy this one.

Fellowship, 336 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for
the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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