gospels give us a good idea of what Jesus did while on earth, but
what is He doing now? Viola gives us the answer to that question as
he looks at the present ministry of Jesus.
looks at the various roles Jesus has today and how they affect our
Christian walk. Jesus is our High Priest. “He is the one who rolls
up His sleeves and joins us in the broken places of our lives.”
(23) He is also our Advocate, Mediator, Intercessor, Great Shepherd,
Heavenly Bridegroom, Author and Finisher of our faith, Builder of the
church, Head of the church, and Lord of the World.
is still carrying out the work of God today. “He carries it out in
His enthroned state, withdrawn from visible sight but active in
Spirit in and through His followers.” (195) To help us understand
that work, Viola does spend quite a bit of time on the proper use of
the gifts of the Spirit.
book is not a scholarly study of the ministry of Jesus today. It is
more of a conversation on what Jesus is doing now and what it means
to our every day lives. It would make good devotional reading. Anyone
who would like reassurance that God is working today, through Jesus,
the Holy Spirit, and Christians, would benefit from reading this
book. His work may be hidden from our sight but we do know He is on
the throne and He has promised to be present with us until the end of
the age. That is good news.

C. Cook, 207 pages.
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