Johnson has written this book for aspiring young people. She reports on twelve successful people, investigating the skills they needed to learn as well as the challenges and triumphs that made them successful in their field.
None of these people had anything in their childhood that would have marked them as successful. None had the advantages of wealth or social position. Many of them had to overcome great obstacles in their life. America's first African-American governor, a survivor of the Iran hostage crisis, a successful Hollywood actor, and many more share their stories.
Several common factors to success are found. Education is emphasized, including in the classroom and on the job. The role model of their parents is valued. And there is a commitment to a rigorous work ethic. All were committed and focused, even at a young age. They recognized challenging opportunities and faced them with determination.
Several life lessons came out of Johnson's study. Do more than what is expected of you. Setting goals is essential, as is a strong belief in God and having a relationship with Him. Also necessary is living by biblical principles and realizing the importance of faith in daily living.
Each successful person adds Words of Wisdom – inspiring statements relevant to their success. That is followed by suggestions on what an individual needs to do now to take the same kind of path to success.
This book would be an encouragement to any young person who desires to achieve great things but feels disadvantaged or has no idea where to begin. Find out more at

Carpenter's Son Publishing, 160 pages.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through the Book Group Network for the purpose of this review.
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