Sunday, January 12, 2014

Hidden Falls Episode 1 by Olivia Newport

What a fun beginning to a serialized novel. Quinn has been a well loved
teacher at Hidden Falls High School for more than thirty years and tonight the town is having a banquet in his honor. As the story begins, the mayor Sylvia picks him up for their regular Saturday morning coffee. They had once been an item,all those years ago.

As the day progresses we are introduced to people who will be coming to the banquet. Liam, financial consultant who has some serious problems with money. Ethan, a neurological surgeon who still thinks he's not good enough for his parents' approval. Jack, the lawyer for whom all is not going well. Lauren, family ministries director at the church, dismayed when she sees that he has showed up. Dani, avid fisherwoman and all around handy girl, doesn't like dresses or crowds or talking to people. So why did she say she's go? Nicole, whom Quinn had said could really write, was now an investigative reporter. She can't forget being jilted by Ethan.

There is small talk before the banquet as Quinn is reunited with so many of his beloved students from the past. The mayor gives her introductory remarks and introduces the guest of honor. Except that he is gone. Quinn is missing.

Just like that we are set up for the next installment in this serialized novel.

This novel is being offered in digital form. The first installment is free and you can download it here. There will be a total of thirteen episodes released, one each week starting January 24, 2014.

Olivia Newport and her family lives in Colorado at the foot of the Rockies. You can learn more about her at, including her historical and Amish fiction.

Shiloh Run Studios (digital imprint of Barbour Publishing), around 58 pages.

I was encouraged by Handlebar to download the free digital copy of this book for the purpose of this review.

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