find it hard to describe this book. It is part personal memoir of the
gospel in Bryant's life. It is part an exploration of the gospel with
frequent penetrating insights. It is sometimes eloquent yet sometimes
rambling. It is sometimes reality and sometimes imagination.
has taken the title from the experience of Peter on the night Jesus
was arrested. He makes a distinction between the experience of Peter
after the first crow and the second. That first crow found Peter
warming himself. This, Bryant says, is the time we are in. It is a
time of familiarity, worldliness, getting by, chores, and provision.
When the second crow is heard, it becomes a time of shame,
realization, loss, despair, and weeping.
takes us through an overview of the gospel. He writes about creation,
the fall, various events from the Old Testament, the life and death
of Jesus and what it has brought us.
Peter, we have fallen short but forgiveness, restoration and a new
path is available. The rooster has crowed once. It is time for us to
make a decision.
shares many of his own experiences and visions as well as his own
understanding of the gospel. He quotes at length from a number of
authors, such as Plantinga, Lewis, and Keller. He has placed text
boxes of the relevant Scriptures on each page.
this book is popular with many, I was not particularly moved by it.
Perhaps because I am a seasoned Christian and have over the years
worked out my own understanding of the gospel. I think this book
might be better appreciated by a very new Christian or by someone who
is not a Christian but is willing to read about one man's thoughts on
times I felt Bryant was just a little too personal in his writing. An
example from his writing about belief: “I've paved the road thus
far, and honestly, I'm exhausted. I thought the end of this topic was
just ahead, but now I realize...” (140) Was the fact that he was
exhausted really something I, the reader, needed to know? What
purpose did it serve?
I have some mixed feelings about this book. The book came out of a
Sunday School class Bryant taught. You can listen to the relevant
session at www.fullporchpress.com.
Listening to the recording will give you a taste of Bryant's rambling
writing style too. You can also download a free sample of the book there.

Son Publishing, 208 pages.
received a complimentary copy of this book through the Book Group
Network for the purpose of this review.
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