book is divided into three sections. Stories in the first section are
aimed at helping us connect with God more deeply. The second section
encourages us to engage with friends while the last section helps us
connect with our community.
devotion is written by a different woman. Many are published authors
or bloggers. That makes the quality of the writing pretty good. The
stories are heartfelt accounts from women writing about their lives
and having to rely on God, establishing relationships with friends,
and ministering to their community. They write about actual
experiences of loneliness, jealousy, fear, forgiveness, hurt, and
many more. I think my favorite was from Lisa-Jo Baker on how her high
school friends helped sustained her as her mother was dying of
cancer. There are some questions included at the end of each
devotion, a challenge, and a prayer. There are also a verse,
something to consider, and a suggestion for engagement at the
beginning of each reading
like this collection of stories. The idea is for us to see ourselves
in the stories and I could certainly identify with many of them. I
was impressed with the insights the women had to offer on some hard
topics like sin and the words coming out of our mouths.
recommend this book to women who want to connect with others. It
could certainly be used by an individual for a month of inspiration.
It would also be a good resource for a ministry leader of women.
don't think this book is suitable for discussion among a large group
of women. I see it more as a springboard for one woman
connecting with another, perhaps over coffee a couple of times a week.
The stories are good for initiating an openness through story telling
but it would have to be with a trusted person.
for thought: “Love is being willing to inconvenience yourself for
the sake of another – and finding joy in it.” (225)
can find out more about the book and watch a trailer at
rating: 4/5 stars.
authors are women affiliated with (in)courage, an online and
conference community. You can find out more at
Books, 288 pages.
received a complimentary copy of this book through Icon Medial. My
comments are an independent and honest review.
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