aspect of the book I really like is the imaginative attempt to tie
together many of the mysteries of archaeology. Ancient myths are
combined with archaeological finds to create a narrative that may
explain much of the mystery. It is a fictional story but an
entertaining one that poses many plausible possibilities.
example, we learn through the memories in the stones that a planet
sized asteroid passed by earth in prehistoric times, causing vast
changes on the earth including a great flood. New mountains rose
while other land sank into the sea. Only a few survived. Some of them
had understood magnetism to such an extent that they could save their
memories to stones.
stones are the focus of Dr. Cully and his friends. He tries to figure
out the puzzling map his uncle left him. Understanding the map would allow him to find the evidence he needs to prove to the world the ancient civilization existed. His exploration leads to a great deal
of adventure and suspense.
has a writing style that is generally good. He does have a habit,
however, of not writing the narrative in chronological order. A scene
will open in juxtaposition to the end of the previous scene. Then,
through the thoughts of one of the characters, we find out what
happened in between the two scenes. That narrative style occurred so
often that I got tired of it.
book is the second in The Anlon Cully Chronicles. I would highly
suggest you read Shadows of the Stone Benders first so you understand
the background for this novel. You can read my review of it here.
recommend this novel to those who enjoy an Indiana Jones type of
adventure. You'll be entertained and read some interesting ideas
about archaeological mysteries.
rating: 4/5 stars.

Leopard Enterprises, 358 pages.
received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the author.
My comments are an independent and honest review.
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