polls didn't give Trump much of a chance to become president. Yet he
is now what some describe as the most powerful man in the world. How
did that happen? Having read a biography about Trump, I was well
aware of his character. I was shocked when I found out that Trump won
the votes of 81 percent of white evangelicalism. (Loc 1260/2679) How did
that happen?
has done an excellent job of explaining how Trump was elected and the
particular role of the conservative Christians in that
accomplishment. He identifies the anger of Christians, feeling that
the country they knew was slipping away. They wanted change at almost
any cost. Trump won them over by promising to give their country back
to them. (Loc 1282/2679) He won over Christian leaders by promising
to abolish the Johnson Amendment, the law restricting pastors from speaking
openly on political issues or endorsing candidates from the pulpit.
(Loc 1314/2679)
Christians were so desperate for political power and change that they
were willing to overlook Trump's lack of experience, his foul
language, his bullying business practices, his disrespect and lack of
compassion for the marginalized, his lack of familiarity with what it
meant to be a Christian, his public boasts of marital infidelity, and his offensive behavior in general. (Loc 92/2679) Mansfield writes that
Christian leaders were “interested in allying themselves to power
at any moral cost.” (Loc 241/2679) Other Christians believed God
had called and would use an immoral Trump much as God had used an
immoral Cyrus in the Old Testament. (Loc 1944/2679)
explores the spirituality of Trump and covers the great influence of
Norman Vincent Peale in the distant past and Paula White in the
recent past. Mansfield is direct on criticizing Trump's claim to be a
Christian, noting his lack of knowledge of Christians things and his
lack of moral character. (Loc 337/2679)
also explains that conservative Christians have now wed themselves to
Trump. They are responsible for putting Trump in the White House.
They took a risk and now they must reconcile what the Trump
administration becomes to what they believe about God and truth. (Loc
1490/2679) Mansfield also writes of the prophetic voice that must
come from Christian leaders as Trump will need spiritual counsel.
Christian who voted for Trump need to read this book to understand
the ramifications of their choice. Those who did not vote for Trump
need to read this book to understand how we got to this place in
American history.
can read an excerpt here.
rating: 5/5 stars.

Books, 208 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My
comments are an independent and honest review.
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