interviewed artists and friends whose lives were greatly influenced
by L'Engle. I had no idea that L'Engle helped so many artists and
writers see their work as a religious vocation. (22) She argued that
you could be an artist and a Christian. That viewpoint was
controversial at the time. Arthur covers the controversy well.
surveys L'Engle's life and works. I was surprised at L'Engle's
interest in Einstein and physics. No wonder she wove science into her
writing. I especially appreciate L'Engle's friendship with Luci Shaw.
I liked how they could “lovingly” argue within their secure

why read a book about L'Engle now? It seems we are again in a time of
division among evangelicals. Arthur points out that L'Engle offered a
message of hope in a time of “wavering evangelicals and
post-fundalits...” (64) Like a generation ago, we can learn today
from L'Engle's legacy. May we again present a light so lovely that
others will be attracted to Christ and His people.
can find out more about the book, watch a video, listen to an excerpt
from the audiobook, and read a chapter here.
rating: 4/5 stars.
Arthur is the author of a dozen books ranging from popular
devotionals to serious engagement with literature. She serves as
preliminary fiction judge for the Christianity Today Book Awards and
has been writer in residence for the Frederick Buechner Writers
Workshop at Princeton Theological Seminary. A graduate of Wheaton
College and Duke University Divinity School, she has served in full
time and volunteer youth ministry for over twenty years. She and her
husband and their two boys live in Lansing, Michigan, where her
husband is a pastor. You can find out more at
224 pages.
received a complimentary copy of this book through Handlebar. My
comments are an independent and honest review.
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