Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Memorize What Matters by Josh Summers Book Review

About the Book:

12 proven strategies to help you memorize the Bible faster and easier! Go beyond the simple "repeat over and over" method of memorizing Bible verses and learn the techniques backed by science and used by memory athletes all over the world.

Sometimes Bible memory can feel like a chore and is especially frustrating when you forget what you spent all that time working on. But what if there was a way to teach your brain better ways to internalize God's Word?

In Memorize What Matters, you'll learn:

  • 5 Types of Bible Memory: Discover the different types of Bible memory that go beyond just memorizing an individual Bible verse!
  • The Understanding Pyramid: Avoid the biggest obstacle most memorizers have when it comes to retention by taking advantage of the Understanding Pyramid.
  • 12 Proven Memory Strategies: True to the title, you'll learn a number of new strategies such as the First-letter method, the Visual Outline method, the Mind palace method, the spaced repetition method and more!
  • Unexpected Benefits: Get excited about the unexpected benefits of Scripture memory that you can expect after implementing these strategies.

Not Just Theory...Practical Tips

The tips and advice offered in Memorize What Matters aren't just theoretical. Josh has practically used the methods in this book to memorize over 10 books of the Bible word-for-word, with the goal of memorizing the entire New Testament.

In addition to this personal experience, he as interviewed over 50 people on the Memorize What Matters podcast to learn the unique ways in which people approach Bible memory. Now you can benefit from this shared body of knowledge to improve your own memory and deepen your understanding of the Word.

My Review:

Summers begins his book with his own experience where he realized how important it was to have Scripture within. He was under pressure when no books nor digital devices were available. His spiritual support came from Scripture he had memorized.

But how do we hide Scripture in our hearts? Summers gives a number of creative and practical ways to do that very rewarding task. I prefer visual learning and my favorite technique is the memory or mind palace. But there are many other practical suggestions so there is a technique for each person. He also gives great ideas for reviewing and keeping the verses we have learned in the forefront of our mind. He also suggests celebrating with others with the verses memorized.

There are plenty of resources for Scripture memory beyond this book. QR codes are included leading the reader to Summers' two podcasts on YouTube and other resources.

This is an excellent book full of practical ideas for memorizing passages of the Bible, whether one verse or an entire epistle. I highly recommend it.

My rating: 5/5 stars.

About the Author:

Josh Summers was born and raised in Dallas, Texas and never considered the idea of writing until he started traveling the world. In 2006, he and his wife set off for an adventure around Asia that aroused a passion for photography, filmography and, of course...writing. Over time, Josh has become known for a unique style of travel writing that is extremely personal, empathetic to the reader and very easy to follow. His blogs and videos reach millions of travelers each year and have inspired countless travelers to venture out beyond their comfort zone. You can find out more about Josh and his ministry at https://www.joshsummers.com/

Go West Media, 190 pages.

I received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the author. My comments are an independent and honest review.

(My star ratings: 5-I love it, 4-I like it, 3-It's OK, 2-I don't like it, 1-I hate it.)

1 comment:

Josh said...

Thank you for this kind review, Joan! I hope this book continues to be an encouragement to the body of Christ.