is a book every American should read. It is not easy going. It's not
the writing. Judge Napolitano is a fine writer. It is just that the
material is so disheartening, reading about the unconstitutional
power expansion of the president.
book reveals actions of the U.S. Presidents that are miscarriages of
justice and outright assaults on our civil liberties. “This book
argues that the greatest trick the federal government ever pulled was
convincing us that we should voluntarily surrender our liberties,
just because the monsters who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks did not
get caught beforehand.”
book is in two parts. The first part is an overview of the history of
presidential lawmaking and lawbreaking before 9/11. The second half
concentrates on the presidencies of Bush and Obama.
first part of the book is bad enough, reading about Lincoln
suspending the writ of habeas corpus. Then there were The Espionage
Act of 1917, The Sedition Act of 1918 and The Alien Act of 1918. The
Supreme Court would not temper these acts. The account continues with
the actions of FD before and during WW II and The Smith Act of 1940.
the most disheartening part of the book is about the Bush
administration. His assault on personal freedom went beyond anything
previously known. Reading the kinds of actions President Bush
advocated on his watch almost makes me ill. The descriptions of the
torture President Bush approved and Vice President Cheney directed is
just sickening. The Bush administration was “driven by the idea of
a completely imperial executive,” Napolitano writes. “Perhaps the
legacy for which George W. Bush will best be remembered is his use of
torture.” What a legacy!
lies the Bush administration told about WMD and spying on U.S.
citizens is chilling. Reading through the provisions of The Patriot
Act Napolitano highlights shook me. And to think that by and large
the provisions are still in effect, despite their
unconstitutionality, is truly terrifying.
Obama made promises to change conditions and made some initial moves
to do so, but, in the end, has reauthorized many of Bush's policies.
It is too soon to tell what his legacy will be.
was a very hard book to read. It contains so many things I don't want
to be true of the U.S. It does not make me proud to be an American.
Judge Napolitano says at the beginning of the book, read this book
but be warned. “There is no happy ending.”
here to find out more about the book, read a chapter and watch a book

Nelson, 480 pages.
received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher
for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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