childhood was a troubled one. His mother was 36 when he was born, his
father 71. Two weeks after his birth, his mother had a nervous
breakdown and was institutionalized. He was sent to live with an
“aunt.” He heard God tell him at a young age that he would preach
the gospel – but he had severe speech problems. He was later
miraculously healed. He was kicked out of his “aunt's” house when
a teen and disinherited.
married and did street preaching. He and Sherry went on mission
trips. While they visited many countries, Haiti touched their hearts
in an unusual way. They established an organization, Love a Child, to
focus on reducing poverty in Haiti's poorest areas. They moved to
Haiti in July of 1991. There was a coup in September.
took in a couple of orphans, then a few more, then more, and an
orphanage was born. A healing center, Christian school, and radio
station were added. They share how God moved people to provide land,
funding, work parties, and supplies. During the devastating 2010
earthquake in Haiti, their property became the largest field hospital
in the country.
also share about the spiritual battle with evil, witch doctors and
voodoo. They also write about their encounters with zombies, people
victimized by witch doctors. They tell great stories of spiritual
victories. They also tell of the cost of being missionaries, such as
missing celebrating the birthdays of their grandchildren.
story is inspiring. They are a couple truly putting their faith and
compassion in action. It is so encouraging to read how God provided
resources right when they were needed. I highly recommend the book.
can find out more at www.loveachild.com.
rating: 5/5 stars.

House, 255 pages.
received a complimentary copy of this book through The Book Club
Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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