the novel opens, some time in the future, fundamentalist Christians
are already in control of the U.S. Government. We find out later in
the novel that Americans had been living in fear of additional acts
of terrorism. They had also been disgusted with the ineffective
nature of government. Not wanting to be involved themselves, citizens
allowed Christian fundamentalists to work their way into power,
beginning at the county level then all the way to the presidency. The
average American did not think the fundamentalists would carry
through with their plans but now there is a very serious move toward
theocracy and return to Old Testament laws. The fundamentalists even
use the trump card that God's laws supersede man made laws.
has done a good job creating characters that propel the plot. The
head of Virtues is a power hungry and, I think, evil man. I would
like to say that is not possible, to preach morality, to enforce
morality, but then to be so immoral. But we've seen it. He even
claims to hear from God, thus claiming ultimate rule.
are fundamentalists who insist on living to the letter of the law,
including making women stay in the home and taking away their vote.
There are a couple of senators who try to oppose the fundamentalist
agenda but their life means little to those who hunger after power.
think this novel is thought provoking because it deals with an issue
higher than just that of fundamentalist Christians in power. The
chilling reality could come to pass with any religion where
extremists gain ultimate power. I would recommend this novel, except
for the graphic sex and violence it contains. Nonetheless, the novel
is very thought provoking.
rating: 4/5 stars.

Digital Publishing, 308 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this novel from the publisher for
the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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