has written 52 devotionals, reminding us what God says is true of us.
Each devotional includes a Bible verse and Kuhn's comments. It is not
a scholarly work. Kuhn uses examples from his own life and movies,
such as Harry Potter, to illustrate his teaching. He covers topics
like being forgiven, right with God, a new creation, blessed with
every spiritual blessing, adopted, and much more.
While most of the book is good and solid biblical teaching, I did find a few aspects of it that troubled me.
uses several verses from the Old Testament, such as Jeremiah 31:3
(you are loved) and Deuteronomy 31:8 (God will never abandon you).
Those were promises to the Israelites. Can they be legitimately
transferred to Christians? Also, John 15:5 is used to show we are
friends of Jesus. But that verse describes the disciples. Can that
description be honestly transferred to Christians today? I would have preferred verses be used that were specific to believers in Christ.
is a concept Kuhn gives that I have not heard before. Regarding being
seated in the heavenlies, he says, our soul, the truest part of us, is already seated in heaven, no longer here on earth. When we
die and get our new body, our physical and spiritual realities will
then merge together for the rest of eternity. (938/1645, chapter 28)
Kuhn takes comfort that his soul is already in heaven. My soul still battles temptations and
sometimes sins. I don't think it is in heaven. I think there is a
more traditional and satisfying explanation to Ephesians 2:6 that
emphasizes the already and not yet aspect of what is true of us in
found that meditating on the truths he has included in this book were
transformational for him. He hopes that the same will be true for his
My rating: 4/5 stars.
Kuhn has been writing books, leading recovery groups, speaking at
college campuses, and providing free resources and personal coaching
through Belt of Truth Ministries since his heart was steamrolled by
Jesus. He lives in Oregon with his wife and daughters. You can find
out more about him and follow his blog at
192 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My
comments are an independent and honest review.
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