really like Newman's exploration of how we might pave the way for
belief through the use of questions. He includes how we can demolish
strongholds of belief, such as that all people are basically good. I
like that he encourages us to not water down the gospel to make it
less objectionable.
provides many examples of how this process works and includes
information on topics people are interested in, such as
homosexuality, hypocrisy and anger. He also goes over the skills
required, such as presenting the gospel clearly. He does note that we
must also be able to defend the gospel, being familiar with evidence.
His concentration is still on discussion, however. He gives some good
tips on reading the other person's emotional state, perhaps leading
to understanding where that person is coming from.
really like Newman's honesty when it comes to the sticky issue of the
problem of evil. “Apparently, God doesn't want us to know
why bad things happen to good people because He doesn't tell us.”
(109) In the course of discussion, one can always ask the other
person of they have a reasonable explanation or one that is
satisfying. Questions might progress to the point of trusting God for
comfort, hope, and salvation.
is an updated edition of a book that came out in 2004. Many of his
resources are decades old. I would have preferred more recent
sources, especially in the chapter on homosexuality. While I felt the
message in that chapter was compassionate as well as truthful, more
recent sources would give his comments greater weight in our present
like this book and I recommend it to those who want a good way to
engage their friends in discussion about faith. Newman shows how you
can share God's message of hope and grace through asking questions.
You'll find out more about your friend and perhaps pave the way for
rating: 4/5 stars.

Publications 280 pages.
received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My
comments are an independent and honest review.
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