explores the important work of a few government agencies and how it
has been bungled under the current administration. He identifies
appointees with a lack of any experience, such as science, for the
position they are filling. A good example is a man with a degree in
public relations tapped to be the USDA chief scientist. (112)
writes about the lack of preparation for the transition. Department
personnel ready to brief new appointees waited days and weeks but no
one showed up. Departments were left without capable leadership.
There was willful ignorance of science. There were actions motivated
by politics and no concern for the welfare of American citizens.
Public data about weather and climate were suppressed so a private
company could profit.
recommend this book to any who want to know what is going on in the
current administration. Rather, what should be going on and isn't.
rating: 4/5 stars.

W. Norton & Company, 256 pages.
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