did a good job of revealing the role of humans in the end time
activities. An unusual concept in the novel is people disappearing
one at a time over months rather than a mass exit of people in a
secret rapture. As one of the characters says, there is nothing in
Scripture saying all those gathered up are done so at one time. It
was also interesting to see how media people might be involved in
spreading the news as the time nears for the Antichrist to be
know how odd end times prophecies sound to others and that is well
portrayed here. Very few people have insight into what is really
happening in the spiritual realm. Even many spiritual leaders are
deceived. Trying to enlighten others as to what is really happening
is a nearly impossible task.
recommend this novel to readers who would appreciate some new ideals
on how the end time prophecies might come to pass. O'Shea has been
clever in identifying the ten horns in Revelation, for example. That
is just one new and interesting idea in this good end times novel.
rating: 4/5 stars.

International, 308 pages.
received a complimentary digital copy of this book through BookCrash.
My comments are an independent and honest review.
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