his own description, this is not an exhaustive nor academic
theological study. He writes about what the Bible says about itself.
It is not a defense of the canon (although good books on that topic
are included in the Appendix). His aim is to let the Bible speak for
begins with Psalm 119 as a framework. He ends with 2 Timothy 3:14-17
and the encouragement, continue. In that last chapter he reveals his
intended audience: Christians who are familiar with the Bible, read
the Bible, have been taught the Bible, and already have a devotion to
it. Don't wander, he says. Stick with Scripture.
found this book to be different than I expected. Much of it is about
what the Bible says about itself. There are some pretty detailed
sections dealing with Scripture in a more rigorous manner. DeYoung
also quotes from authors and tells stories, however, like one in the
last chapter from Newton's life. He also, at one point, appeals to
the opinions of early church fathers and the history of the church.
So it is mixed in style, from looking at some original language on
one end to stories and silly poems on the other end.
who do not believe in the truth of the Bible will not be convinced to
do so by this book. The best use of this book would be for people who
have grown up in the church and are now questioning what they believe
about the Bible. New Christians will also find in this book a basis
for establishing their belief about the Bible.
for thought: “The word of God is more than enough for the people of
God to live their lives to the glory of God.” (42)
is one section of DeYoung's book with which I take issue. “And we
must not separate redemption from revelation. Both were finished and
fulfilled in the Son. … Even the later teachings of the apostles
were simply the remembrances of what Christ said (John 14:26) and the
further Spirit-wrought explanation of all that he was and all that he
accomplished (John 16:13-15).” (38)
I don't understand here is what is to be done with the “revelation”
Paul received of the “mystery” of the church – that the
Gentiles were to be included (see Gal. 1:12). That was something all
the other apostles evidently missed. And what about Paul going up to
Jerusalem after fourteen years “in response to a revelation”
(Gal. 2:2)? What about Agabus receiving a revelation that there was
going to be a severe famine (Acts 11:28)? And what about the
revelation Paul received of the “mystery” that we will be changed
in an instant (1 Cor. 15:51-53)? And what about John's revelation,
including the words of Jesus to the seven churches? Do all of those
fit into DeYoung's statement about “finished” revelation?
can download a study guide and read an excerpt of the book here.
DeYoung (Mdiv, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) is senior pastor
at University Reformed Church in East Lansing, Michigan. He blogs at
the Gospel Coalition and has authored or coauthored several books.
Books, 144 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for
an independent and honest review.
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