has been experiencing nonstop dreams and visions with prophecies
since 2007. She speaks to the significance of His Temple in the
latter days, that it would be completely restored to its original
form on the top of a mountain. She believes we are the generation
that will experience this.
relates an increase in natural disasters before the second coming of
the Lord, including earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, famine, cold, and snowstorms. Half of the world's harvest will be
destroyed. Excessive rain, flooding, and snowfall will encompass the
earth. She writes of a coming global war. She includes news reports
confirming some of the prophecies are already coming to pass. God's
people will be rescued, a sign to unbelievers. She reports on the
significance of the year 2023. She explains the importance of the
biblical account of Sodom and Gomorrah.
time is short, she says. It will only be a few years. She calls us to
repentance. We are to turn from our evil ways, destroy our idols, and
cry out unto the Lord. He has given us the warning. We must respond.
am not sure I understand or agree with all Nasreen has said. For
example, she writes that November 11, 2012, a date she identified as
a turning point, is a fulfillment of Isaiah 5. The significance of
that date just doesn't make sense to me. Much of the book is also a
review and explanation of Scripture relevant to God exercising
writing is not eloquent (English is her second language) and the
illustrations are not “professional” (hand drawn). She is
evidence that God uses common people, weak vessels to bring His
message (her words).
is a clear wake up call to believers and nonbelievers alike. She
speaks with urgency – we are to share the message of salvation with
serious effort and at full force. Jesus is coming soon.
You can find out more about her prophecies at http://www.gods-messenger.webs.com/.
You can find out more about her prophecies at http://www.gods-messenger.webs.com/.
lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and two teenage children. You
can connect with her at https://www.facebook.com/iris.nasreen.
Son Publishing, 288 pages.
received a complimentary copy of this book through the Book Club
Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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