give examples of how being black in America can be dangerous. They
also review the mistreatment of Native Americans and women. This is a
good section and offers a great deal of background for those who do
not understand the racial tensions of today.
authors admit it is not an easy journey. They explore the biblical
basis of how we are to treat each other. They look at the roles the
church and individual Christians are to have in the healing process.
They give many practical suggestions, leading to changed hearts and
the resulting actions. The idea is to bring people to the place of
relating to others well because their lives matter. Some good
examples of people who have made a difference are included.
would be a good book to read with a group. I would recommend it to
church boards and professionals. It is a good book to get people
talking and thinking about what can be done in their community. It is
short and not intimidating.
for thought: “Please do what you can to proclaim to the world that
all lives matter.” (82)
rating: 4/5 stars.
Gordon is co-founder of the Christian Community Development
Association and lead pastor of Lawndale Community Church in
inner-city Chicago where he has ministered for thirty years. He is
co-founder of the Lawndale Christian Health Center and teaches at
several colleges and universities. He and his wife had three adult

Books, 96 pages.
received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. My
comments are an independent and honest review.
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