was surprised at Raynor beginning his book by saying God was the
first entrepreneur. That just did not ring right with me. Raynor
later gave this definition: “an entrepreneur is anyone who takes a
risk to create something new for the good of others.” (Loc
130/2958) The risk could be financial or social so his definition is a much broader one than I would make. I do have an issue with calling
God an entrepreneur, however. In general understanding, an
entrepreneur is one who organizes and operates a business, that is,
provides goods or services to people. Describing God as one who
operates a business just does not ring true to me. Also, Raynor says
such an operation must include risk. God is omniscient, knowing the
future, so there was no risk involved in His creating. He knew
precisely what was going to happen.
criticism aside, I really appreciate this book. The Christian
community has too often distinguished the “secular” work of
owning a business from the “spiritual” work of full time
ministry. Raynor sets the record straight, defending the traditional
Reformed view that all life is spiritual, including non-ministry
vocations. He writes about calling, motives, products, challenges to
Christian entrepreneurs, making disciples, and more.
is an accomplished entrepreneur. He uses his own life as an example
but also includes stories of many others. They are great
illustrations of entrepreneurs doing their work to the glory of God
and with excellence.
do recommend this book to Christians who are interested in business.
You'll find great examples of people doing much good for others.
You'll see how entrepreneurs further the glory of God through both
behavior and products. There is a link to a free journal you can
download to work through your own thoughts as you read the book.
You can find out more at http://www.calledtocreate.org/.
for thought: What will you choose to create for the glory of God and
the good of others?
rating: 4/5 stars.

Books, 240 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My
comments are an independent and honest review.
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