of this book is written in a scholarly manner and may be beyond the
interest of many Christians. Some of the essays are answers to
critiques of previous articles and books. However, Christians
interested in the issues of intelligent design, special creation, or
evolution would benefit from carefully reading this book.
book is a critique of theistic evolution: that God arranged and set
everything in motion so that life would evolve without additional
intelligent input. The authors define theistic evolution as the
sufficiency of the undirected mechanism of mutation and natural
selection as an explanation for new forms of life. (59) In other
words, God created matter with certain properties so that no further
activity from God was required to bring about all living things. (60)
first part of the book is an in depth critique of the creative power
of natural selection and random mutation. The conclusion is that
these mechanisms do not have the creative power to generate new
genetic information. The authors explain how current research shows a
loss of information from such mechanisms instead. This section also
includes a critique of the assumption of universal common ascent.
They pay particular attention to fossil and DNA evidence.
next part of the book looks at the philosophical aspects of science
and creating theories. The authors explore how one should define
science and argue that science should not limit itself to strictly
materialistic explanations. Rather than science correcting the Bible,
perhaps Scripture should correct our scientific ideas. (707) There
have been many scientific “facts” in the past that have turned
out to be incorrect. It is also noted that theistic evolution fails
to explain the development of moral values in humans and the
spiritual nature of mankind.
last part of the book deals with theological and biblical issues.
This section is not about the age of the earth. It is about whether
Genesis 1-3 should be taken as historical narrative, reporting events
that actually happened. Theistic evolutionists in general say that
Adam and Eve were not the first human beings, there was no fall into
sin, and God did not place a curse on the world. (778) This
seriously affects the truth of the gospel and the meaning of Christ's
death. The conclusion is that “belief in theistic evolution is
inconsistent with belief in the truthfulness of the Bible.” (776)
have mentioned just a small part of all of the information included
in this book. It is a detailed critique of theistic evolution and the
works of those who promote it. I am impressed with the amount of
information this book contains. It may be overwhelming for some
readers. The chapters do contain summary introductions and
conclusions to help readers navigate the text and decide which
chapters may be of specific interest.
[intelligent design] is essentially consistent with biblical
doctrine, and is supported by many scientists and theologians whose
views cannot be lightly dismissed,” Colin Reeves writes. (706)
Unfortunately, this book does not contain a presentation of
intelligent design.
do recommend this book to Christians who have an interest in the
issues of creation, evolution, and other aspects of origins. Be
prepared for a good amount of time studying this topic.
can watch a very informative book trailer here.
You can find out more about the book, the editors and contributors, and download an excerpt here.
rating: 4/5 stars.
1008 pages.
I received a complimentary digital ARC of this book. My comments are
an independent and honest review. Some of the quotes and page numbers
I give may have been changed in the final published edition of the
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