are opportunities beckoning us, Bogel says. (83/1580). Like her, I
could go places, be someone else, experience different cultures –
all from my reading chair. Like her, I believe in bibliotherapy. Give
me a good book and I am happy in my world.
had never thought about being book bossy, giving someone a book I
thought they should like or I thought should make them feel
better. Yikes. I've done that. But we are individuals. Just because
the book meant so much to me does not mean it will have anything like
the same effect on you.
really appreciate her essays on how reading shapes us into the people
we are today. I would not be who I am today nor think the way I do
without having read the books I have. I agreed with her essay that
identified reading as a solitary act and a favorite introvert-coping
strategy (yes!) but was dismayed just a bit when she said reading was
a social act (well, I am in a reading group). (1362/1580)
from the book was anything about book reviewing. Publishers
frequently rely on communities of public relation companies and
volunteer book reviewers. Where I used to recommend books over a
counter, now I do it through blogging book reviews. Also, Bogel writes
as a print book reader, with book shelves and stacks of books. What
about the world of ebooks?
favorite quote from the book: “Your house is a disaster because a
clean house is a sign of a misspent life, and you spend yours
reading.” (662/1580)
recommend this book to readers, to book people. You know who you are.
You're the ones who can't pass up a good book about reading books.
rating: 4/5 stars.

Books, 160 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My
comments are an independent and honest review.
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