claim Christian faith does not have an intellectual foundation.
Pearcey puts that false notion to rest in this book.
looks at what Paul wrote in Romans and notes that he contrasts
Christianity with idols. People believe in God or a God replacement,
an idol. She extracts five principles from Paul's writing and applies
them to world-views.
1. Identify the idol. Everyone that reject God, she says, has one.
She takes us through current thought, identifying the idols of
materialism, rationalism, etc.
2. Identify the idol's reductionism. Belief in anything other than
man being created by God in the image of God reduces the view of
human life.
3. Test the idol: Does it contradict what we know about the world?
Every idol-based world-view will fail this test.
4. Test the idol: Does the world-view contradict itself? Every one
will collapse and Pearcey has done a great job in showing us how that
happens when one takes a world-view to its logical conclusion.
5. Replace the idol. Make the case for Christianity as it is the
world-view providing the better answers.
wants Christians to develop critical thinking skills and use the
above principles. “If you master the strategic principles in this
book, they will equip you to identify and engage critically with the
ideas that have shaped the Western world in every subject area.”
is an excellent book. I was amazed at how Pearcey took on today's
wide spread philosophies. She frequently showed how the philosophers
“borrow” from Christianity, acting as if Christianity is true.
The book helps us better understand history. It also shows how
Christianity is the best at explaining humanity, the rational world,
is a great book to use with young people in families or youth group
studies. There is an extensive study guide, about a quarter of the
book. This book is a great resource for home school families and
Christian schools.
is a great book for Christians of all ages too. Within its pages are
the critical evaluations of philosophies adults are confronted with
by their friends and co-workers. With the extensive study guide, this
book would make a very good selection for an adult study group.

C Cook, 384 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for
the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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