Biebel and his wife lost their three year old son to an undiagnosed
condition. He shares his pain, grieving, and his depression. They had
another son a year later but then he came down with what was probably
the same extremely rare disease.
this is not a depressing book. It is full of encouragement. His
message is that, as he made it through the pain, so will readers. He
takes us through the stages one goes through, drawing from his
journal and his correspondence with others. He describes the process
as a spiral. Emotions may be revisited again and again. He writes of
disintegration, reintegration, and then authentic living.
asks his readers to take a risk – to believe that God is more
loving, understanding, and forgiving that we ever imagined. He
reminds us that a crisis is both a danger and an opportunity. Much of
how we emerge from a painful experience depends on our view. Faith is
essential but he does note that first that faith will generate many
questions before is provides the ultimate comfort. It will get harder before it
gets easier. “The good news is,” he writes, “that walking with
him by faith remains the only way to transform your pain into
anything other than pain.”
encourages readers, reminding us that we know the love of God in a
special way through suffering. Perhaps, he says, the only way to
really learn about the love of God is through pain. He encourages us
to let Jesus in our pain, helping us to see beyond now to eternity,
“...transforming your chaos into coherence through his presence in
the center.” But it will take time as the journey is long.
is a book written from the heart of a man who has gone through the
pain of loss. It is full of information on the journey with
encouragement along the path. I highly recommend it.
B. Biebel has a DMin from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He
has authored or coauthored nineteen books. His books have been
translated into dozens of languages worldwide. He founded Healthy
Life Press to help new authors writing on wholeness get their books
in print.
Life Press, 220 pages.
received a complimentary digital copy of this book through the Book
Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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