DeYoung early on identifies his book as a Christian book, with a narrow
focus, defending the traditional view of marriage.
first task we must do, he says, is to determine what the Bible says
about homosexuality. Once we have determined that, many questions
will be easy to answer. This book is not a 500 page tome (although he
says those are needed). This is a book for lay leaders, college
students, parents, high school teachers, etc.
first part of the book is a collection of five chapters, each on one
of the most relevant and debated Bible texts on the subject. The second
part of the book focuses on the most common objections to the
traditional view of sexual morality. He concludes with a chapter on
what is at stake in this matter.
DeYoung includes an Appendix on the political aspect of the discussion
and the impact on the definition and concept of marriage. A second
Appendix deals with meanings of terms and their use. A third Appendix
gives suggestions on how Christians should speak about homosexuality.
At the end is an Annotated Bibliography.
DeYoung writes, “...that homosexual practice is a serious sin and a
violation of God's created order.” And, “The biblical teaching is
consistent and unambiguous: homosexual activity is not God's will for
his people.”
highly recommend this book for those looking for a concise yet well
written investigation into and defense of the traditional
(historical) views of marriage and homosexual behavior. He takes to
task those who would revise what the Bible says. He answers those who
use ancient nonbiblical writings, something I was very happy to read.
DeYoung has written this book knowing how volatile this subject is.
I really feel he has spoken the truth, yet with love.

Books, 160 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for
the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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