boys to become responsible godly men is a difficult task. Parents
must take an active part in the training. If parents are not
proactive, boys will get the image of manhood from our culture. Boys
are bombarded with the worldly message, especially in the 32 hours
teens, on average, watch television each week.
wrote this book out of his own determination to communicate the
essence of male adulthood to his two boys. As he worked on the
project, he arrived at six essential qualities of a man. He
designated those guideposts, pointing the way to being a responsible
and godly man.
has designed this book for fathers and sons to work through it
together as they embark on a life changing spiritual quest. There is
text included and then interactive questions to discuss, with space
given for writing. There are some movies dads and sons watch
together, discussing the questions McCormick has provided. There are
other activities suggested too. Communication is essential and to get
it started, the father shares his life story (helpful hints are
are the six guideposts: accept responsibility, lead courageously,
pretend about nothing (be a truth teller), journey with God (He is
Master and Commander), protect your heart (the true “good life”),
engage in deep and meaningful relationships (friendship and
marriage). He has added Six Rugged Truths that every man must know,
bringing an important level of reality to the study.
shares his own experience of finishing up this study with a group of
fathers and their sons with a weekend initiation ceremony. He gives
some tips for planning such a grand finale weekend, as he does for a
kick off ceremony. He also includes a movie competition and questions
for solitude.
I am not a father, I can tell this book has a wealth of
information to help fathers journey alongside their sons as they
prepare for manhood. McCormick has provided the basic material for any
father (or other male) to complete the steps he has outlined.
If you decide to be proactive in the maturation of your son, this is
a great book for you.
can find out more about the book, order it, download sample chapters
and watch a video at

Lake Publishing, 104 pages.
received a complimentary digital copy of this book through the Book
Club Network for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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