was impressed with his insight into the prophetic invasion “from
the north.” He suggests it has more to do with the direction of the
invasion than the place of the invaders' origin. He gives a good
example from Jeremiah where the predicted invaders from the north
were, in fact, the Babylonians who resided in the east.
includes a great deal of historical background on the areas
identified in prophecies, such as that of the Ottoman Empire. He
includes information on how the Sykes-Picot agreement after WW I
caused great unrest in the Middle East, resulting in the rise of the
movement seeking to establish a world wide Islamic state. He has a
good exploration of how Islam treats unbelievers as well as their
hatred toward Israel. I was reminded that Muslims believe it is fine
to give false information to unbelievers. I was astounded by his
information about the state of Islam, its aims and actions, including
killing or forcibly converting Christians while the West is
ambivalent. Dailey wonders if the migrants flooding Europe (“jihad
by migration”) might be the third invasion of Europe.
is on the brink, he says. The near future may show whether the U.S.
and Europe will recover their spiritual heritage or be overrun. He
reminds us of the moral decline and the growing criminalization of
Christianity in the U.S. He wonders if a continued trend in this
direction will lead to the U.S. being Mystery Babylon.
if you have forgotten some of the recent prophetic craziness, Dailey
reminds us in an Afterward of the predictions for September 2015 by
authors like Jonathan Cahn and John Hagee. Then the month came and
went and nothing happened. Dailey rather advocates looking at the
general signs of the last days and not trying to compare specific
events with specific prophecies.
really like Dailey's approach. Apocalyptic literature employs
imagery, he says, and there will always be an element of mystery
involved. We best concentrate on the overall themes rather than
trying to interpret individual events like so many have tried to do
in the past. We'll only end up with egg on our face.
highly recommend this book to those interested in the history behind
the current global situation and an investigation into the general
themes of the last days. You won't find diagrams or specific
predictions. You will find a realistic and intelligent exploration of
Bible prophecy in relation to current events.
can find out more about the book and read an excerpt here.
rating: 5/5 stars.

Books, 224 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for
the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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