H. M. was the most studied individual in neuroscience history. As a
young boy, Henry Molaison was struck by a bicycle and knocked down.
He developed seizures and memory loss. He became the subject of a
vast amount of research.
weaves the story of Henry, his grandfather, and information about
brain studies. He looks at ancient work on brains, such as skulls
with holes in them. He investigates brain injuries and mental illness
and how they were treated, such as lobotomies, of which his
grandfather did many. He tells of his grandmother and her mental
illness and being confined to an asylum. The treatment in such
institutions included cold water soaking, induced fever, and shock
treatments. Also included are stories of major brain scientists and
their work. Dittrich even adds some vignettes from his own life.
is a personal account and a very interesting one. Dittrich has taken
a complex issue and made it very readable. The intertwining of
personal stories with scientific information helps make the book
interesting throughout, right to the very end and the controversy
over Henry's brain.
recommend this book to those who enjoy reading popular books about
science in the style of The Emperor of All Maladies or The
Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. It is not for the weak
stomached, however, as some of the brain operations are described
vividly, as are the conditions in mental institutions in the last
rating: 4/5 stars.
Dittrich has been working as a journalist since 1997. He is a
contributing editor at Esquire and his articles have appeared in a
variety of anthologies. A story he wrote about the survivors of a
devastating Missouri tornado won the 2012 National Magazine Award for
feature writing.
House, 464 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for
the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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