encourages use of this book to reveal what the Bible really says in
Genesis as opposed to traditional ideas. She uses questions to
encourage the reader to go deep within themselves. Some questions are
asked and answered by Snow herself. She also includes many notes with
her own opinions and interpretations of verses. The presence of those
answered questions and opinion notes really counteracts the idea of
this being a self investigative workbook.
begins her study with the creation of man. I was rather surprised to
read her interpretation of the two creation accounts, saying that the
man created in Gen. 1:26 and the one created in Gen. 2:7 are
different species (spirit, soul). The spiritual man was empowered to
multiply and given dominion but not the physical man. One later has
his life span shortened, the other apparently not. I am unsure which
of these species are humans today and what happened to the others.
(They may have died in the flood.)
am not sure about the accuracy of her notes. She writes, “The soul
(mind, will, and emotions) is what lives forever (Ecclesiastes
12:7).” (11) Most translations read “spirit” in that passage,
not “soul.” Here's another quote: “The brain is the enemy of
God (Romans 8:7-10).” (16) The brain is just a bunch of biological
cells. In the next note she says one with a “carnal mind” is the
enemy of God.” (17) I found this more confusing than enlightening.
Of Noah's ark, she says it was bore “up so high it was above the
earth (outer space) according to Genesis 7:17.” (20) I was
disappointed that Snow quoted Eileen Caddy, a new age spiritual
teacher, at the beginning of her book.
book has potential but I recommend discretion when working through
it. Some of her ideas in this book certainly break from traditional
understanding of the teachings contained in Genesis. I was left with
too many unanswered questions to recommend this book.
can find out more at http://www.imseekingtruth.com/.
rating: 3/5 stars.
Press, 56 pages.
received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the author
for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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