are certainly differences between men and women. This shows up most
clearly in how we communicate. It's a challenge because men think
differently than women. Bechtle calls on research and his own
experience to help women understand what goes on in a man's brain.
have more gray matter than women but women have more white matter.
Women have more connections between the neurons and can “think
faster” than men. “Men usually take more time to process
information than a woman...” That may explain those silent moments
in a conversation.
woman can focus on multiple things at a time, while a man gives his
entire attention to his current task.” Men focus on one thing at a
time, so don't expect a man to pay attention to you when he is
watching a game. Men don't get hints or nuances in a conversation and
they are not good at reading facial expressions so women must speak
plainly to communicate well. We get tips on speaking "male" too.
makes sure we understand that he is writing about healthy males, not
controlling or selfish ones. He encourages us to remember the
similarities between men and women and celebrate the differences. He
also explores the possibility of those differences resulting in a
synergy, something greater than the separate parts.
learn about the six things men are looking for in a relationship. We
find out men are competitive by nature and desire to win. They also
desire to be heroes. And, “In a sense, men are just tall boys.”
They grew up on play and it is part of who they are.
learned a great deal from this book. I recommend it to any woman who
wants to understand how a man thinks and why he does what he does.
Bechtle has given us a huge amount of insight into men, helpful for
any woman in her communication with a man. The only aspect I felt
missing from this book was a spiritual one. There is nothing about
how men and women differ in their spiritual walk and how that might
affect Christian couples.
rating: 4/5 stars.

224 pages.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher for
the purpose of an independent and honest review.
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