a generation ago, there is now a plethora of news sources. Bartlett
wants readers to be able to discern truth in the midst of it all. He shares methods he has used for decades. He looks at the rise
of various media outlets. He helps us identify primary and secondary
sources. He advocates the testing of a writer's credibility, such as
paying attention to documentation.
notes that material from satirical websites has been quoted as as
factual, an example of not thoroughly checking a source. He saw where
“experts” wrote on a subject when they were not at all an expert
on the topic.
offers some good strategy, such as using the resources at the local
library. He suggests many websites for checking out the truth of a
claim. He clarifies financial and statistical terms authors use. He
tackles political terms, polls, Wikipedia, fake news, editorials, and
checked out a site he recommended,
It has latest poll results and articles from both sides of the
political aisle. Once I got past the pop up ads, it looked like a
very informative site. I also found out how to set up a Feedly news
feed with my favorite news sources.
would put this book in an introductory category. Considering the
number of people I know who got taken in by and repeated unfounded
“news,” I think this book is needed by many. It seems critical
thinking is a skill many lack today. I used my local library to
obtain this book. You can do that too. I recommend it.
rating: 4/5 stars.
Bartlett s a commentator, economist, best-selling author, former
columnist and New
York Times Economix
blogger, presidential adviser, and political independent.
Speed Press, 144 pages.
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