have I missed this relationship between suffering and unforgiveness?
Granted, as Wilkinson points out, not all suffering is from
unforgiveness. But it was certainly worth reading this book to
understand the relationship between suffering and unforgiveness and
see if it is part of my own life. Just as my unforgiveness would
initiate suffering, my forgiveness will end it. It doesn't work to
ignore the wound. It must be treated. Wilkinson shares the results of
continued unforgiveness and it is not pretty.
little book contains a very important message. Wilkinson takes
readers through the progressive stages of unforgiveness, ultimately
leading to hatred and vengeance. Thank God He has provided a way to
joy, peace, love and freedom. That way is forgiveness. That may not
be easy but Wilkinson helps readers go through that process. He clearly
identifies the steps to the true forgiveness God requires. He also
tells great stories as examples of people being freed, good
is adamant. Forgiveness will set us free. He feels so strongly about
it he guarantees that readers who commit to reading and doing the
book will experience the freedom God intended. (xiv) He has tasks for
readers to do and questions upon which to reflect. He also provides a
website where readers can access additional resources.
highly recommend this excellent book. It will take courage but this
book can be life changing as you forgive others and yourself. (This
book was previously released in 2016 with the title, The
Freedom Factor.)
rating: 5/5 stars.
Wilkinson is an international ministry leader and New York Times
bestselling author of over sixty books. His books have been
translated into thirty languages. He has founded a number of
ministries, including Walk Thru the Bible Ministries. He has led
national reconciliation meetings in Uganda, Namibia, and South
Africa. He is currently the chairman of Teach Every Nation and the
founder and chairman of The Exponential Group. He and his wife live
in South Carolina. They have three children and eleven grandchildren.
Strong is the lead pastor of Life Change Church in Portland, Oregon,
and the author of several books.
Books, 176 pages.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through Bring It On Communications. My comments are an independent and honest review.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through Bring It On Communications. My comments are an independent and honest review.
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