says that the failure to think of the Holy Spirit as a person, and
the failure to emphasize His indwelling our hearts, “has created a
mountain of mental mush” when we think about His presence. “We
need a clear new covenant understanding of how the Holy Spirit works
in our lives and in the church today.” (Loc 740/2297)
explores what the writer of Hebrews says about the old and new
covenants. We can't go back, he says. “We must live fully in the
power and privileges of all that He has accomplished for us in the
new [covenant], including our understanding of how His Spirit now
works in our lives and in His church.” (Loc 553/2297) Unlike the
old covenant era, we are now being transformed from the inside out.
topics are covered in this book. I liked the section on worship. He
makes a thought provoking distinction between “form” and
“reality.” I like that Henderson reminds us that the work of the
Holy Spirit is the glory of God through the magnification of Jesus.
(Loc 310/2297) He has some penetrating comments about how we do
church. 'I believe we need a serious re-evaluation of what we are
really doing on weekends in this thing we call 'church.'" (Loc
1103/2297) I was especially struck by his definition of being filled
with the Spirit. “To be filled with the Spirit means to exclude
everything that hinders the Spirit's power.” (Loc 1249/2297)
greatly appreciate this book. Henderson clarifies many
misunderstandings about the Holy Spirit. He clears up the language
that reflects the Old Testament experiences rather than the New
Testament reality. This book challenged me to think more clearly and
speak more biblically about the Holy Spirit. This is a good book for
pastors, church leaders, and those desiring to develop a correct New
Testament theology and practice of the Holy Spirit.
do wish there had been more on how to actually experience the
presence and power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Henderson does give
us knowledge to rightly think about the Holy Spirit. We are pretty
much on our own as to developing the spiritual practices and habits
that help be sensitive to the Spirit.
can watch a book trailer here. You can find additional resources for
the book at http://www.strategicrenewal.com/transformingpresencebook/, coming live on the book's publication date, June 5.
rating: 4/5 stars.

Publications, 240 pages. This book releases June 5.
received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My
comments are an independent and honest review.
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