novel is full of action and is exciting to read. Her writing style
has always irritated me and this novel is no exception. I can
understand incomplete sentences in dialogue but not in prose. I know
it is for effect. I just don't like it.
also get sidetracked by her use of odd verbs and adverbs. “Her
pulse jammed...” (806/6573) When guns are jammed, they cease to
work. But that is not what happened to her heart. “Her gaze
collided with his again.” (826/6573) Cars and trains might collide,
but gazes? Interestingly enough, this character actually “collided””
with a man a little later on. (857/6573)
though this is the first in a new series, the characters involved
have a great deal of unrecorded back story. The characters frequently
talk about the previous experiences but I was left wondering what
they were talking about. “Ram gave his life to stop them.”
(784/6573) There was nothing nearby to indicate who he stopped. Were
they evil operatives or a herd of enraged bulls? We don't know.
is known for her action packed novels and this one is full of intense
action and suspense. If you love action, you'll love this novel. If
you're not a stickler for the proper use of language, you'll enjoy
her writing style too.
rating: 4/5 stars.

House Publishers, 384 pages.
I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.
I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.
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